Fifth Battle of Qotile

The Fifth Engagement at Qotile marked the definitive conclusion of the Stark Hyperspace War.


Following the setback experienced by Stark Collective forces during the prior engagement, the individuals who shared directorial responsibilities with Iaco Stark grew increasingly impatient. They were on the verge of executing him, perceiving his leadership as incompetent. However, Stark revealed that he had an internal ally within the Republic's fortified base at Mount Avos. He conveniently omitted the detail that this ally was Jedi Knight Plo Koon, who, through telepathic persuasion, had convinced Stark to switch allegiances.

Concurrently, Nute Gunray and the Trade Federation, under the threat of potentially damaging disclosures to the Senate, provided the Jedi Council with access to a fleet comprised of freighters and C-9979 landing craft. Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis positioned himself on the bridge of the flagship, maximizing the effectiveness of his battle meditation, while Saesee Tiin readied himself to lead the two Jedi starfighter groups, known as Red and Blue Squadrons.

Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, and Eeth Koth were also part of the Republic contingent. Despite being outnumbered by the Combine's forces, they were confident that their superior training, unwavering determination, and skillful application of the Force would secure victory in the battle.

The Conflict

On the planet Troiken, Jedi Knight Tholme and his Padawan Quinlan Vos successfully infiltrated the Combine's command vessel, designated Raptor, with the intention of transmitting a software patch designed to neutralize the Combine's debilitating navcomputer virus. Simultaneously, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi infiltrated the Combine's central headquarters to retrieve the patch itself.

However, Jinn and Kenobi encountered an obstacle when the protocol droid responsible for the patch demanded a password for its release. The password was soon provided by Stark himself, who arrived accompanied by two of his fellow directors—both of whom (Boor-Daa and Tam Gozon) he subsequently eliminated in the presence of the Jedi. Having received a telepathic assurance of amnesty from Jedi Knight Plo Koon in exchange for his cooperation, Stark, who had already recognized the futility of his cause, furnished the password and then assisted the two Jedi in subduing the command center.

Jedi Master Tholme, along with his Padawan Quinlan Vos, managed to secure the necessary communication link on the Stark Combine's command ship, the Raptor. This allowed them to transmit a crucial virus patch to the Jedi-led fleet from Coruscant, ultimately leading to the Combine's defeat and securing victory in the Stark Hyperspace War in 44 BBY.

Above them, Tholme and Vos transmitted the patch to the Trade Federation fleet. Vos also reversed the operational parameters of the shield generators on the Raptor, causing them to deactivate instead of activate when ordered. The Jedi then fought their way off the ship using one of its fighters, coinciding with the arrival of the main Jedi force in the Troiken system.

At Mount Avos, the Republic force executed a tactical withdrawal through a secondary exit of the mine, while the Combine forces advanced into the main entrance. Koon's strategy involved sealing both entrances after the Republic soldiers had evacuated, effectively trapping the Combine soldiers within the mine without causing them harm.

Troiken's true hero: Jedi Master Plo Koon uses the Force to seal the final entrance to the Mount Avos caves, securing victory in the decisive battle of the Stark Hyperspace War.

However, the plan was thwarted when General Ranulph Tarkin, driven by a desire to eliminate both the Jedi who had overshadowed him and the enemy he had failed to defeat, seized the last detonator charge. He used it to breach the challat eater cave, resulting in the destruction of all forces within. Tarkin perished in the explosion, yet secured a self-proclaimed legacy as the "Hero of Troiken"—the individual who single-handedly destroyed the Stark Combine and brought the war to an end through a final act of self-sacrifice. Koon narrowly escaped, utilizing the Force to seal the mine, tragically trapping the majority of the Combine soldiers inside the insect-infested mine, where they met their demise.


With the destruction of the Raptor in the skies, the remaining ground forces of the Combine surrendered, effectively concluding both the battle and the Stark Hyperspace War. Plo Koon was elevated to the rank of Jedi Master and granted a permanent seat on the Jedi High Council, in accordance with his Master's final wish.

Tarkin's family, seeking to rightfully honor their ancestor as the "Hero of Troiken," later engaged in a political agreement with Finis Valorum. They supported his election as Supreme Chancellor in 40 BBY in exchange for posthumously securing Tarkin's reputation as the war's ultimate hero through official recognition and awards.

