Ratrin Vhek

Ratrin Vhek, a male Human, was a common sight on the lunar surface of Nar Shaddaa.

Upon Meetra Surik's arrival on Nar Shaddaa in 3951 BBY, Vhek asserted that he was once the proprietor of the Ebon Hawk, alleging its theft from him not long before the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars. To support his assertion, he divulged several obscure technical specifications of the vessel, including the whereabouts of certain concealed storage areas.

During the Red Eclipse attack, Cahhmakt eliminated him as he attempted to board the Ebon Hawk, thus ensuring Surik retained control of the vessel.

Behind the scenes

In content removed from the final game, the Red Eclipse enslavers would spare Vhek's life after he professed to be the ship's owner. They would detain him in the security chamber alongside Cahhmakt. Following Meetra's defeat of all the slavers, Ratrin would declare that he no longer desired the ship due to the unwanted attention it now attracted, and would subsequently depart.

As another option, the player could surrender Vhek to the Red Eclipse to be enslaved. He objects, but Cahhmakt responds with the frigid remark, "Slaves do not talk."

