Rebel Scout Speeder

The Rebel Scout Speeder functioned as a speeder for combat purposes, utilized by the Rebel Alliance. It was equipped with a movable blaster cannon and had the capacity to transport a quartet of Rebel troopers.


There was an instance where a Rebel Scout Speeder was located on Tatooine, where it came across an Imperial dropship at some point.


The Rebel Scout Speeder was able to accommodate a crew of four individuals, with one operating the blaster cannon turret. The turret was the singular weapon of the speeder; it could be detached and separated from the vehicle, but the speeder would then be without any means of attack.

The speeder featured a cockpit without a roof, even on the turret, leaving the crew vulnerable to attacks from opposing forces.

Behind the scenes

The Rebel Scout Speeder was represented as a LEGO model within the 7668 Rebel Scout Speeder set released in 2008. Subsequently, it was featured in the 2014 mobile app LEGO Star Wars: Microfighters. Later, it was available as a LEGO model in the 40755 Imperial Dropship vs. Rebel Scout Speeder set from 2024.

