Rebellion 0

title: Rebellion 0: Crossroads

The initial installment of the Star Wars: Rebellion comic series was titled Rebellion 0: Crossroads. This issue was released as a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Rebellion flip-book, and served as an introduction to the Star Wars: Rebellion storyline.

Publisher's summary

The Rebel Alliance's growth has deeply impacted the Galactic Empire, particularly after the destruction of the Death Star. The Empire's authority is being challenged, and a growing number of star systems are escaping its control.

The desert planet of Jabiim, located in one of these systems, seemed promising for Luke Skywalker and the Rebellion. However, a diplomatic mission with good intentions turned disastrous when Darth Vader was alerted to the Rebels' presence, resulting in the complete enslavement of Jabiim's massive populace.

The rebels launched a bold and secret operation against an Imperial fortress on Kalist VI to save Jorin Sol, an Alliance mathematician left on Jabiim. This mission put Luke Skywalker in direct and emotionally challenging conflict with his childhood friend "Tank," who is now known to the Empire as Lieutenant Janek Sunber...

Plot summary

The narrative begins with Tal Hesz, a Jabiimi loyalist, handing over Rebel agent Jorin Sol to Darth Vader. The issue then provides a summary of the events that transpired on Jabiim, including Anakin Skywalker's betrayal of the planet as a young Republic Commander, the sheltering of rebels by local insurgents, and the resulting orbital bombardment and enslavement of the population. Hesz dedicates weeks to searching for his people, eventually arriving on Kalist VI just as Rebel agents, headed by Luke Skywalker, liberate them. Shortly after the assault, Hesz is apprehended by Imperial forces, and Jorin Sol rejoins the Rebels following his torture at the hands of Darth Vader.

