Rebellion 11: Small Victories, Part 1, a comic book, represents the eleventh installment within the Star Wars: Rebellion comic series.
The Rebel fleet's flagship, crippled by a hyperdrive malfunction, finds itself marooned deep within Imperial space. Recognizing a potential advantage amidst this crisis, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia embark on a perilous mission for the Alliance—one fraught with seemingly insurmountable odds!
"Small Victories," a gripping narrative unfolding in the aftermath of Star Wars: A New Hope, spotlights not only the Rebellion's iconic figures but also unsung heroes like Deena Shan. Deena, an ordinary volunteer, unexpectedly finds herself carrying the weight of the Alliance's destiny in her trembling, yet resolute, hands! In this tale of bravery, selflessness, and a touch of insanity, a motley group of Rebels launches an audacious attack on a crucial Imperial stronghold, with no hope of retreat!