Rebellion on Tatooine

In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the planet of Tatooine found itself consumed by a revolt directed against the Imperial forces that were stationed there.


Prior to the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance had successfully seized control of the Arkanis sector and a majority of the planets situated within its boundaries. Nevertheless, Tatooine remained firmly under Imperial dominion.

The battle

After enduring years of occupation and oppression, the population, greatly encouraged by the Rebel Alliance's revelation of Emperor Palpatine's death at Endor, rose up in defiance.

During the conflict, the Dark Jedi Sariss, a long-time associate of the local Imperial Governor, Tour Aryon, recognized an opportunity to abandon her subordinate role by "disappearing" amidst the chaos and joining her master, Inquisitor Jerec, elsewhere.

As the insurrection gained momentum, Imperial Prefect Talmont made a swift attempt to flee Mos Eisley. While traversing the city to reach his transport in Docking Bay 87, Talmont and his sandtrooper escort were ambushed by both the Mos Eisley Militia and Swang's Swoopers. The Militia sought to capture the Prefect and hold him accountable for his transgressions, while the swoopers simply aimed to eliminate as many Imperials and militiamen as they could.

