The Tatooine militia, also known on occasion as the Mos Eisley Militia, comprised a loosely structured group of volunteer colonists from Tatooine. These individuals conducted patrols across the desert landscapes utilizing landspeeders and swoops, maintaining vigilance against potential Tusken Raider incursions, and uniting to defend against them. While it once boasted a roster of four dedicated, full-time personnel, by the year 0 ABY, all of these members had been reassigned to the Mos Eisley police. Nevertheless, the militia retained the capability to mobilize as many as fifty people to address urgent situations.
In the weeks that followed the Battle of Yavin, a group of a dozen militia members encountered the Heroes of Yavin as the heroes attempted to flee from Mos Eisley.
Subsequent to the Battle of Endor, the militia, then under the leadership of Predne Balu, actively participated in the events of the Rebellion on Tatooine.