Red apricot squad

The red apricot squad was the premier team of the Silver Knights during the High Republic Era, a time when Sean became a part of them. An Ping was their leader, and their name originated from a saying specific to the Aakaash system, signifying a rejection of established norms. The team consisted of Lu Nan, Xu Bo, Zhuang Yuanying, and subsequently, Sean.

Behind the scenes

The red apricot squad is featured in the Chinese web-novel The Vow of Silver Dawn, also known as The Vow of Silver Dawn, as 红杏小队. The term 小队 can be interpreted as either "small team" or "squad." This web-novel, written in simplified Chinese, explains that the squad's name comes from the expression 红杏出墙, which is a Chinese idiom. Originally written in traditionally as 紅杏出牆, this saying is derived from a poem titled 遊園不值 by 葉紹翁 from the Southern Song period (1127–1279). As the title implies, the poem recounts a failed attempt to visit a garden, which was closed. However, the poet noticed red spring blossoms (apricots) extending beyond the wall. Over time, the expression 紅杏出牆 evolved into a euphemism for extramarital relationships.

