Red Moon Saloon

The Red Moon Saloon existed as a cantina situated on Tatooine in Mos Eisley.

A group of Rebels convened there with Tal Pak, a smuggler, and his associate Vassk. The Rebels sought to acquire components for the starships belonging to the Alliance Fleet's. Following a negotiated agreement, Pak disclosed that the parts were located at the Imperial training facility on Sirpar. Before he could depart with his credits, Vassk betrayed him and the Rebels, intending to surrender them to the Empire in exchange for a reward. The Rebels successfully overcame the responding stormtroopers and escaped.

In 1 ABY, an incident transpired at the cantina, encompassing seven barrels of Zelosian wine, the Force-sensitive Gamorrean siblings Thok and Gorc, a Kloo horn, the demise of three Gungan customers via blunt force trauma, and five Ugnaught patrons prepared as fricassee. This event culminated in the arrest of both brothers and their subsequent separation by the Imperial Prophetess Sariss. Thok was imprisoned in Prefect Orun Depp's jails, while Gorc was transformed into a sithspawn after Thok revealed Gorc's Force abilities.

