Red Squadron (Mandjur)

Red Squadron represented a starfighter squadron whose T-65 X-wing starfighters were distinctively marked by their crimson coloration. This squadron found its home on the Majestic-class heavy cruiser Mandjur within the New Republic Fifth Fleet. Though Captain Tegett, who commanded the Mandjur, included his own fighter within Red Squadron, he opted to remain on the Majestic-class heavy cruiser's bridge during the Battle of N'zoth, rather than piloting his X-wing in combat.

Plat Mallar, a shuttle pilot responsible for recovery operations and assigned to the Mandjur, commandeered the unoccupied X-wing fighter, thus deserting his assigned shuttle duties. In an act of sacrifice, Plat Mallar deliberately crashed Tegett's fighter into an enemy suicide fighter, preventing damage to the Mandjur, which resulted in the destruction of Tegett's fighter.

