Reeft, a Dressellian Jedi Knight of the male persuasion, lived during the same era as the renowned Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. This Jedi, known as Reeft, dedicated his service to the Jedi Order as the Galactic Republic neared its end, during its final years.
Reeft's journey began when his aptitude as being Force-sensitive was discovered, leading him to training in the ways of the Force at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. Like all young Initiates entering the Order, Reeft was placed into a clan with other younglings. He quickly became close friends with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Garen Muln, and Bant Eerin, all fellow members of his clan, and the group received their initial instruction from their clan instructor Docent Vant. Reeft, who was known for his large appetite, would frequently consume any leftover food from his companions' plates in the Temple's dining halls. After several years of shared learning, Jedi Master Binn Ibes chose the wrinkly faced boy to become his Padawan and receive one-on-one training around the time of Reeft's thirteenth birthday.
After dedicating years to studying under Master Ibes' tutelage, Reeft was given the responsibility of completing his Trials of Knighthood. He successfully passed these tests, overseen by both the Jedi High Council and the Temple battlemaster. Having achieved the rank of Jedi Knight, Reeft pursued his own studies throughout his service during the Separatist Crisis. In 22 BBY, Reeft was given the assignment to capture the well-known thief Rotar Lopani on Brentaal IV. While Reeft was tracking the criminal through a busy marketplace, the Xexto bounty hunter Tosinqas was following him, and ultimately managed to reach Lopani before Reeft did. As Reeft got closer to Lopani, Tosinqas emerged from the shadows and killed Lopani. Tosinqas, startled by Reeft drawing his lightsaber defensively, charged at the Jedi, but he miscalculated the lightsaber's length and was bisected by the blade.
After reporting the event to the High Council and returning the bodies to the Temple, Reeft faced political backlash from the angered Bounty Hunters' Guild, who lodged a formal complaint with the Judicial Department. The Guild argued that the Order operated with too much secrecy, and they asserted that improved communication from the Jedi Temple could have prevented the incident involving Tosinqas from occurring.