
title: Vant

A Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Master, Vant was a female who served the Jedi Order in the role of docent.


Vant, a Twi'lek who was Force-sensitive, received education from the Jedi Order in the applications of the Force, eventually rising to the position of Jedi Master. Master Vant became an instructor at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. She was assigned as the caretaker for a clan of Initiates, nurturing them as they developed from infancy to adolescence within the Temple academy.

In 44 BBY, one of the Initiates under Master Vant's care, the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, was not chosen by a Master to become their apprentice. As a consequence, the Council of Reassignment determined that, due to his age, he could no longer remain at the academy without a master. Master Vant went to the clan dormitory to inform Kenobi that he would have to depart the Temple, having been reassigned to the Agricultural Corps on the planet of Bandomeer.

