Tosinqas, a Xexto who made his living as a bounty hunter, was active during the Galactic Republic's reign. The Xexto participated in a hunt for the criminal known as Rotar Lopani in 22 BBY. On the planet Brentaal IV, Tosinqas located and killed Lopani. However, Jedi Knight Reeft, who had also been sent to apprehend Lopani, arrived at the scene. Tosinqas launched an attack on Reeft, but the Jedi's lightsaber severed him in two, resulting in his bisected demise.

Tosinqas, a Xexto, worked as a bounty hunter within the Bounty Hunters' Guild during the reign of the Galactic Republic, shortly before the Clone Wars began with the start of the conflict. In 22 BBY, authorities in the Circarpous sector offered a bounty of 8,000 credits for the capture of the thief named Rotar Lopani. Tosinqas accepted the assignment and discovered Lopani in a busy marketplace located on the planet of Brentaal IV.
However, the Jedi Order had also been contacted by Circarpous officials, leading to the dispatch of Jedi Knight Reeft to apprehend the thief. Tosinqas ambushed Lopani from above, falling several stories and killing him. Reeft, who was also there, then ignited his lightsaber and surprised Tosinqas, who responded by attacking the Jedi. Tosinqas was cut in two by the Jedi's weapon and died. Reeft then took both Lopani's and Tosinqas's bodies to Coruscant, the Republic's capital world. Following this, Cradossk, the Bounty Hunter Guild's Guildmaster, voiced his dissatisfaction with Tosinqas's demise, advocating for improved communication with the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to prevent similar incidents in the future. The situation was later covered in an edition of HoloNet News CoCo District Edition, which included Cradossk's remarks.
The first mention of Tosinqas occurred in "Three-Way Hunt Ends with Two Dead," an article penned by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens and featured in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #53 on the HoloNet News website on April 25, 2002. In 2007, author Sander de Lange was developing a backstory for the Xexto character Niai Fieso through the Hyperspace feature titled What's The Story?. During this process, he searched for Xextos within the Star Wars Legends continuity and discovered Tosinqas. He eventually incorporated the bounty hunter into a different entry, which was ultimately not selected via the feature. However, Fieso's alternative entry—which featured another Xexto, Freon Drevan—was eventually published.