Regera Girawn, a Kruskan noblewoman with Force-sensitivity, embraced the dark side and transformed into a Force Witch.
Girawn's early life was spent on the isolated planet of Kruskan, where she experienced a peaceful existence until her servants unearthed a Sith holocron. The device's self-destruction seared her, driving her to madness, causing her to be tormented by visions, and terrorizing those under her rule. Ousted from her position, she escaped to the opposite side of the planet, secretly developing her Force abilities.
Anticipating the first encounter between her people and the Galactic Republic, Girawn traveled to the location of the initial contact, where she enslaved the Republic's exploration team. Using their vessel, she escaped the planet and embarked on a galaxy-wide quest to find other Force-sensitives who would join her cause.
After killing two Jedi Knights, their Padawans, and numerous civilians across dozens of worlds, she drew the attention of both local planetary governments and the Republic, leading to her becoming a target of the Jedi Council.
Despite being hunted by bounty hunters, Girawn relished the battles and frequently set traps for those pursuing her.
Even after her transformation, Girawn continued to live luxuriously, maintaining a retinue of acolytes and bounty hunters who catered to her every desire.