Remis Vehn, a member of the Peace Brigade, participated in the attack on the Jedi Praxeum in 26 ABY. He served as the pilot of a Brigade transport during the raid on Yavin 4, which aimed to find Jedi.
Although associated with the Brigade, Vehn didn't seem to harbor any genuine animosity towards the Jedi themselves, despite his obvious mocking of their powers. His involvement with the Brigade was solely motivated by the credits he earned as a pilot.
Amidst the chaos of the initial assault, Anakin Solo took control of Vehn's transport, ultimately crashing it in the jungle of the moon. While the group was working on repairing the transport, they encountered Qorl, a mysterious figure who offered to assist Anakin with the repairs while simultaneously keeping a close eye on Vehn.
Following Anakin's rescue of Tahiri Veila from the Shapers' base on the moon, Qorl and Vehn (who had unexpectedly become good friends) rescued them from the Yuuzhan Vong, piloting the now-repaired transport.