Remy (clone trooper)

A clone trooper sergeant known as Remy fought for the Galactic Republic's Grand Army throughout the Clone Wars. During this time, he was placed under the leadership of Jedi General Sev and his apprentice, Joc Sah, who was a Padawan. In the final year of the war, Remy went with the two Jedi to Ragmar V, a world in the Outer Rim that the Republic considered a crucial staging ground for an upcoming attack on a Confederate installation. Upon reaching orbit above Ragmar V, Remy, Sah, and a squad of clone troopers descended to the surface of the planet with the goal of seizing a settlement to serve as a base. As Remy, Sah, and their soldiers confronted the settlement's leader, Remy received a directive from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. This order, Order 66, declared the Jedi Knights enemies of the Republic. Remy and his troops immediately turned on Sah, but both Remy and his troops met their death in the ensuing skirmish with the villagers of the settlement.


Remy is shot and killed by Gaan during the battle of Ragmar V.

Remy, a clone trooper sergeant, was one of many clones created from the genetic template of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. He fought for the Galactic Republic's Grand Army throughout the Clone Wars, a conflict that began in 22 BBY on the planet Geonosis. Eventually, he found himself serving under the command of Jedi General Sev and his Padawan, Joc Sah. In 19 BBY, Remy accompanied Sev and Sah on a mission to the Outer Rim planet of Ragmar V. The Republic considered Ragmar V a strategically important planet, necessary as a staging point for an upcoming offensive against a Confederate stronghold. Remy, along with Sah and a squad of clone troopers, traveled aboard a Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunship and landed on a cliff near a settlement. After exiting the ship, Remy informed Sah that the village was inhabited. Shortly after, the gunship was destroyed by a rocket fired from the village. Sah instructed Remy to prepare for a confrontation with the villagers and proceeded down the cliff towards the settlement.

As the soldiers reached the village, Sah instructed Remy to divide his troops and secure the village's perimeter. However, during the conversation between Sah and Gaan, the leader of the settlement, Remy received a command from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to initiate Order 66. This order designated Sah as an enemy of the Republic and demanded his death. Remy immediately ordered the clones to open fire on the Jedi, who sought shelter in a nearby structure. When Gaan, wanting to kill the Jedi himself, shot one of the soldiers, Remy and his troops were attacked by the villagers. Sah and Gaan joined forces to eliminate the clones, and Remy was ultimately shot and killed by the settlement's leader, ending the battle.

Personality and traits

Remy, like most clone troopers, was bred to be completely loyal to the Republic and to obey orders from superior officers. He made sure to inform Joc Sah about the settlement on Ragmar V and followed the Padawan's instructions without hesitation. However, his devotion to the Republic also led him to execute Order 66 without question, although he was unsuccessful in killing Sah.

Remy wore a set of Phase II clone armor decorated in red markings and carried a pair of DC-17s for use in combat.

Behind the scenes

Remy made his debut in the short story "The Order of Outcasts," which was one of four stories included in the fifth volume of the Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures trade paperbacks. The character was conceived by Matt Jacobs and illustrated by Matthew and Shawn Fillbach. Remy was later included in an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

