Renegade Flight, a unit of Rebel Alliance X-wing starfighters, was under the command of Commander Arhul Narra. Prior to its demise in 3 ABY during the Battle of Derra IV, it was stationed at the Alliance High Command Headquarters.

Renegade Flight stood as one of the most tenured fighter groups within the Alliance, boasting a service record that predated the Battle of Yavin. Its name originated from the Incom Corporation design team who defected to the Alliance early in the Galactic Civil War. According to military legends, one of Renegade Flight's fighters was an original X-wing prototype. Commander Arhul Narra, a seasoned pilot known as "Boss" amongst his squadron members, led Renegade Flight. The squadron played a crucial role in the early Alliance triumph at the Battle of Ton-Falk, employing a strikingly simple tactic suggested by Renegade Leader Narra's protocol droid, K-3PO, to obliterate two Imperial frigates and a dreadnaught.
After the Battle of Yavin, Renegade Flight was incorporated into Red Squadron, which was reorganized into two flights: Narra's Renegades and Luke Skywalker's Rogue Flight. Narra and Renegade Flight were assigned to the Alliance High Command group, with the duty of safeguarding the Alliance transport convoys that supplied High Command's ever-shifting headquarters.
Leading up to the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, Renegade Flight was escorting a supply convoy en route to Echo Base when the convoy was ambushed in orbit above Derra IV by Imperial forces. The Imperial force was led by the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing attached to a Ton-Falk-class escort carrier. All Rebel transports were destroyed, and every member of Renegade Flight, including Ketku and "Renegade Three," perished. Ironically, the capital ship design responsible for launching the fighters that decimated Renegade Flight was conceived as a direct result of the Renegades' victory at Ton-Falk. A plaque honoring the fallen pilots was hung on the command deck of the Rebel frigate, Chancellor, while Skywalker and Wedge Antilles expanded Rogue Flight into a full squadron to compensate for the loss of the Renegades.
According to the Star Wars Encyclopedia and Who's Who in Rogue Squadron, Commander Narra and Renegade Flight participated in the Battle of Yavin. However, Lucasfilm's Leland Chee has since clarified on the forums that this information is incorrect.