Ton-Falk, a planet, resided within the Ton-Falk system. This system was itself a component of the Pakuuni sector, situated within the Slice region of the Outer Rim Territories. Specifically, it was positioned along the Overic Griplink hyperspace route, providing a connection to both the Florn and Pakuuni systems.
Sometime between the events of 2 BBY and shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Battle of Ton-Falk, a conflict within the larger Galactic Civil War, occurred in orbit of Ton-Falk. The Galactic Empire suffered a humiliating defeat in this battle, with a complete Imperial Navy battle group being destroyed by a relatively small number of Rebel Alliance starfighters. Consequently, Kuat Drive Yards designed the Ton-Falk-class escort carrier for use by the Imperial forces.
The name Ton-Falk first appeared in Greg Gorden's 1989 Imperial Sourcebook, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games, which mentioned the Battle of Ton-Falk. The location of Ton-Falk was described in "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," a roleplaying game source article from 1990 featured in the thirteenth issue of the Voyages SF magazine. Due to its release outside the purview of Lucas Licensing, the canonicity of this article within the Star Wars Legends continuity remained unconfirmed.

Subsequently, Stephen J. Sansweet's 1998 Star Wars Encyclopedia offered the initial, definitively canonical description of Ton-Falk as a location within Star Wars Legends. Later, The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, pinpointed its location on a galactic map at grid coordinate T-5. Finally, Stay on Target, a 2014 sourcebook by Fantasy Flight Games for their Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Star Wars Roleplaying game, further cemented Ton-Falk's status as a specific celestial body. While "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are" had previously placed Ton-Falk in the Heterkus sector, the Online Companion on for The Essential Atlas superseded this by establishing the Ton-Falk system, and therefore the planet itself, as being located within the Pakuuni sector instead.