Repplic, a gas giant, circled the star Csilla as it orbited within the Csilla system. This celestial body held the third orbital slot and boasted a collection of twenty-two moons. This gas giant resided within Chiss Space, a sector situated in the Unknown Regions and governed by the Chiss Ascendancy.
The hyperlanes called the Path of the Houses tied Repplic, together with the entire Csilla system, to both the Cioral and Sposia systems. The Cressus Route and Vagaari Corridor hyperspace routes provided connections from the system to the Avidich and Cormit systems, respectively, while other hyperlanes facilitated links to the Jamiron, Rentor, and Rhigar systems.
Repplic made its debut appearance in The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009 penned by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, and was located in grid square F-8.