A repulsorlift battalion represented a unit within the structure of the Imperial Army according to established lore.
A repulsorlift battalion, under the command of a Major, consisted of a scout troop, three repulsorlift companies, and the necessary battalion headquarters alongside support staff. Typically, a repulsorlift battalion had a complement of 952 individuals, with 680 designated as combat personnel. Their equipment included 115 repulsorcraft and 40 speeder bikes. The battalion HQ also possessed mobility, with 18 vehicles used for transport and an expanded staff to handle driving duties. These battalions were deployed for tasks such as collecting intelligence about enemy actions, blocking escape routes, and disrupting enemy activities. They were seldom used in direct, head-on attacks.
It was possible to enhance repulsorlift battalions by incorporating an attack armor company and adding three additional repulsorlift companies.