The Restuss Arts Jubilee, orchestrated by Hefsen Zindalai, stood as the most tenured arts festival on Rori, the moon of Nabooian origin. This jubilee was hosted within the city of Restuss, prior to its devastation during the Battle of Restuss which occurred in 1 ABY.
In 1 ABY, Zindalai succeeded in persuading a well-known artist, whom he had been trying to attract for many years, to grace the festival with their presence. To ensure the event's security, Zindalai requested that Lord Rusper secure the city's surroundings from potential attacks by hazardous creatures.
That year, several occurrences nearly put the celebration in danger. Individuals from Narmle employed a criminal to pilfer a holo that served as the Arts Jubilee's focal point. Draya Korbinari then enlisted a spacer to locate the thief before the citizens of Restuss became aware of the theft. After the spacer apprehended the thief, they were tasked with recovering the holo from the smuggler who had purchased it. Shortly before the event commenced, a wealthy benefactor of the festival was ambushed by outlaws en route to Restuss but was rescued by an escort dispatched by Zindalai.
A comparable event, the Narmle Arts Gala, was arranged by the city of Narmle, which fostered a sense of competition between the two urban centers.
This festival is integrated into several minor quests involving Non-Player Characters (NPC's) situated in Narmle and Restuss (before its destruction in June 2006) within the Star Wars Galaxies game.