Restuss, established as the second settlement on Rori, a moon of Naboo, is notable for being the location of the devastating Battle of Restuss. This conflict, a clash between Imperial and Rebel forces during the Galactic Civil War, resulted in the city's utter ruin.
Situated on the northern banks of the Narmle Bog, Restuss, like its neighboring city Narmlé, was largely encompassed by marshy terrain. Naboo architects constructed the city, employing a classical Naboo style in its design.
The people of Restuss, known for their diligence, were also wary of those from beyond their community. This suspicion acted as a safeguard for a society known for its deep generosity and support towards its own members. Celebrations were frequent, with the local cantina often overflowing with revelers. Crime was almost non-existent, as the locals rarely victimized each other.

However, local politics were of paramount importance in Restuss. The city had a vast collection of laws and ordinances, many dating back over a century. While Restuss was governed by elected officials, the election process was lengthy and complex, often yielding results that only Restuss natives could fully grasp. The city often appeared bogged down in bureaucratic processes. However, the laws seemed to favor the local merchants, who thrived in the city. Trade was lightly regulated, and the city was renowned for its extensive access to black market goods, including weaponry.
Restuss maintained a friendly rivalry with its sister city, Narmle. Being the only two cities on Rori, Narmle and Restuss frequently competed for resources, visitors, and settlers from Naboo. The inhabitants of Narmle often displayed a sense of superiority, given that Restuss was originally built by Narmle natives. This rivalry occasionally became intense, but rarely escalated into violence.
Restuss, the second settlement established on Rori, emerged from a period of hardship. It was initially founded as a quarantine zone during a devastating Brainworm Rot Plague that impacted Naboo and several neighboring systems. Consequently, the first residents consisted of doctors, missionaries, and those afflicted by the disease. Once the plague was contained, the Republic mandated that Restuss remain under quarantine for several years, fearing a resurgence of the illness. This crisis fostered a deep-seated distrust of authority among the citizens of Restuss. Eventually, an unarmed uprising occurred, leading the Republic to reluctantly lift the quarantine. Large portions of Restuss, including the hospital and detainment center, were destroyed during the ensuing riots. Restuss was subsequently rebuilt around a small starport, which became the town's central gathering place and economic hub.
As a result of these traumatic events, the city largely distanced itself from Naboo politics. It was not uncommon to encounter a Restuss citizen who struggled to identify the current Monarch of Naboo. Restuss displayed even less interest in galactic affairs. During the Galactic Civil War, the Governor of Rori, Ferrox, rarely visited the city, and the populace showed little concern for the widespread conflict unfolding in a distant part of the galaxy. This indifference, of course, changed dramatically when the Battle of Restuss brought the Galactic Civil War directly to their doorstep.

Regrettably for its inhabitants, Restuss was destined to face an even greater trial in the years that followed. In 1 ABY, the Battle of Restuss erupted, effectively obliterating the entire city in a swift and devastating event. The city was left in ruins; however, a small refugee camp had been established prior to the battle. This camp provided shelter for a number of evacuated citizens. Through these individuals, aspects of Restuss's culture and history managed to endure.
The following individuals resided in or visited the city before the Battle of Restuss: Ajuva Vanasterin, Draya Korbinari, Hefsen Zindalai, Kkrax, Lord Sloan Rusper, Magur Torigai, M'Kae, Risha Sinan