The Resurgence, a Curich-class shuttle manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems, belonged to Lord Dixton, who had just become the Governor General of the Fakir sector in 0 ABY. While being escorted by some TIE/LN starfighters on its way to hyperspace, the Resurgence was suddenly attacked by a number of X-wing starfighters belonging to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Although the Resurgence sustained damage to its grav motor, it successfully made the jump to hyperspace.
The Resurgence was compelled to make an emergency landing on the closest habitable world, Abonshee, because it had overshot its planned destination and needed significant repairs. The Rebel yacht Long Shot happened to be on Abonshee at the time for a diplomatic assignment. The Long Shot spotted the approaching Imperial ship and fled into hyperspace, abandoning some of its crew on the planet, with the intention of coming back with reinforcements in the form of starfighters.
After the Resurgence landed on Abonshee, its crew gathered around the ship to defend against any potential attacks from the native population. Ultimately, the planet's inhabitants and the stranded Rebels were able to capture the crew of the Resurgence. General Lens Reekeene, the commanding officer, dispatched technicians to fix the shuttle so the Rebellion could incorporate it into their fleet.