Born in 54 BBY, the Human female who would become Lens Reekeene, initially simply Lens before her marriage, began her career as a mercenary commander. She served a private corporation until 14 BBY, when the Galactic Empire unjustly imprisoned her. During her time in prison, she wed Mikka Reekeene, an engineer and fellow inmate who was later freed. In 3 BBY, Mikka secured her release, and the two joined the Rebel Alliance. Rising through the ranks, Lens achieved the rank of general and established Reekeene's Roughnecks, a Rebel soldiers unit operating within the Fakir sector, which was part of the larger group of similar units within the Alliance called The Irregulars. General Reekeene received advice from her husband and a family friend, Santhou Lazith'chika.
The Roughnecks, under General Reekeene's command, engaged in guerrilla warfare against the Empire, simultaneously striving to attract new recruits to the Alliance cause. Around 0 ABY, Reekeene spearheaded "Operation Retribution," a mission designed to inflict damage on Imperial assets while minimizing risk to her own forces. Following this operation, she was captured and taken to an Imperial garrison base located on the planet Flankers, prompting the Roughnecks to launch a rescue mission.
As a Human female born in 54 BBY, Lens began her career as the commander of a mercenary company tasked with garrison duties for the Sartran Corporation, a private entity. In 14 BBY, the Galactic Empire accused Sartran of treasonous actions and dissolved it. Consequently, the mercenaries, including Lens, were falsely accused of conspiracy and imprisoned. During her incarceration, Lens encountered Mikka Reekeene, a former Sartran employee and engineer also unjustly imprisoned. They subsequently married within the prison, leading her to adopt his surname, Reekeene.
Due to an administrative error by the prison staff, Mikka Reekeene was released. Later, he accumulated enough credits to secure Lens's release in 3 BBY. Upon regaining her freedom, Lens discovered that most of her former mercenary unit had died while incarcerated. Driven by a desire for vengeance against the Empire, Lens joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Although her husband was less interested in politics, he also joined the Alliance to remain with Lens.
She quickly became an officer within the Alliance, eventually achieving the military rank of general, with her husband serving as her advisor. At some point, Santhou Lazith'chika, an enigmatic alien, approached the Reekeenes, earned their trust, and became Mikka's primary advisor, Lens's secondary advisor, and a close friend to both.
The Reekeenes, along with Lazith'chika, established Reekeene's Roughnecks, a guerrilla group of Rebel soldiers dedicated to harassing Imperial forces in the Fakir sector. As a part of a network of smaller military units known as The Irregulars within the Alliance, the Roughnecks aimed to draw Imperial attention, diverting resources away from critical missions such as locating the Alliance main fleet. General Reekeene's persistent attacks on government buildings overwhelmed the local Moff, who requested Imperial reinforcements in the form of a fleet. In addition to their guerrilla activities, the Roughnecks actively sought to recruit new members for the Alliance.
During 0 ABY, Lazith'chika and General Reekeene briefed the Roughnecks' Green squad on a diplomatic mission to Abonshee, a planet also known as Masterhome. Reekeene and Lazith'chika used holograms to communicate with the squad. Reekeene explained the mission's goals and motivation: Alliance High Command had tasked the Roughnecks with securing new food sources, and Green squad was assigned to negotiate with the Godking, the leader of the native Anointed People, on behalf of the Alliance. The squad was transported to Abonshee aboard the Long Shot, a Lantillian GX1 Short Hauler previously assigned to the Roughnecks. Reekeene frequently used the Long Shot for similar missions. Green squad ultimately succeeded in their task.
Around this time, the Reekeenes joined Lazith'chika and Rebel Lieutenant Am Serro aboard their mobile headquarters, the Tsukkian water freighter Home. Special operative Tay "Tiree" Vanis, an agent of Alliance Intelligence, met with them in person. Vanis reported on the results of his twentieth operation—he had failed to recruit new operatives and had reached the limit of missions before mandatory retirement. However, Vanis had recommended several potential recruits, and General Reekeene dispatched him to enlist them.
Reekeene conceived "Operation Retribution," a two-day offensive that stretched the Roughnecks' resources thin by simultaneously targeting multiple Imperial assets. General Reekeene instructed her troops to inflict maximum damage with minimal risk within the allotted time, then withdraw. Her intelligence sources had identified Repair Station M13, a newly constructed Imperial repair and refueling outpost on the planet Mycroft, protected by TIE fighters. As part of Retribution, Reekeene ordered some of the Roughnecks to attack a station in a nearby star system, drawing the starfighters stationed at M13 away, while another team sabotaged the undefended station.
Following Retribution, Reekeene dispatched an undercover Roughneck team to plant a listening device beneath a communication center on Iyuta. Imperial agents had intentionally leaked the building's plans, intending to track the Rebel team back to the Roughneck headquarters. General Reekeene instructed her men to contact Chilla, a local Rebel spy, upon reaching Iyuta. Unbeknownst to Reekeene, the Empire had killed Chilla and replaced him with an impersonator, who was waiting for the Rebels. However, the undercover Rebels uncovered the impersonator's deception and thwarted the Imperial plot to discover the Roughnecks' base.
Shortly thereafter, Reekeene piloted an X-wing starfighter with her R2 unit to a meeting with the Alliance commanding officers of the Fakir sector. Her ship was intercepted by an Imperial scout vessel, which ambushed and attacked her. Reekeene's droid was destroyed during the engagement, and the X-wing sustained damage. The Imperial Captain demanded Reekeene's surrender, but she instead fired at least three proton torpedoes at point-blank range, destroying the Imperial ship's fuel pod. The X-wing was destroyed in the resulting explosion, and Reekeene was taken prisoner.
The scout transported Reekeene to the nearest Imperial base, a garrison on the planet Flankers. The base had been previously abandoned due to the system's star being on the verge of going nova within days, but the Imperial captain was unaware of this. Upon arrival, the Imperial contacted his allies, requesting a transport ship for himself and his prisoner. Thanks to an intercepted message from an Imperial probe droid, the Long Shot learned of Reekeene's capture and rushed to rescue her. Upon reaching Flankers, they were identified as Rebels and engaged by Imperial forces.
General Reekeene, a woman with intense eyes and a commanding presence, typically displayed a cold demeanor, except when interacting with her husband, Mikka. Having a background as a mercenary, Lens Reekeene retained her aggressive and militaristic tendencies even after joining the Rebel Alliance. Her warfare philosophy included providing her subordinates with only the necessary information, consistently harassing the enemy, and avoiding keeping her assets in one location for extended periods.
Reekeene typically carried a blaster on her left hip and a vibroblade in her right boot, demonstrating proficiency with both weapons. Most Roughneck members wore colored armpatches to identify their squad, but General Reekeene, as a commanding officer, wore a white patch. Only she and the two other highest-ranking members of the Roughnecks briefed the squads and answered their questions. As a security precaution, after a squad had been briefed for a mission, its members were only permitted to communicate with the Reekeenes or Lazith'chika.
Throughout her life, General Reekeene demonstrated her exceptional skills as a military commander, initially as a mercenary officer and later as a Rebel General and leader of the Roughnecks. She possessed the ability to plan and execute complex offensives, as evidenced by Operation Retribution. She was also a skilled pilot, proficient in starfighter combat, and adept at surviving in hostile environments.
Lens Reekeene made her debut in "The Long Shot Campaign," a chapter within the role-playing book Star Wars Campaign Pack, authored by Paul Murphy and published by West End Games in 1988. "The Long Shot Campaign" was republished in 1994 in Classic Campaigns, alongside The Bissillirus Campaign. Lens's first visual depiction appeared in the web comic Rookies: Rendezvous (2006) by Pablo Hidalgo, who based her on an unnamed personal acquaintance.
While Lens Reekeene's eyes were described as blue in "The Long Shot Campaign," they appear darker in Rookies: Rendezvous.