Revan's hideout

Revan's hideout was a derelict living space that served as a clandestine refuge for the amnesiac Sith Lord Revan and the individuals traveling with him during the time of the Jedi Civil War, a conflict that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire in 3956 BBY. After the attack that occurred on the Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire while it was positioned above Taris, a world located in the Outer Rim, Revan and Republic soldier Carth Onasi made their escape in a pod, ultimately crash-landing on the surface of the planet. Revan lost consciousness as a result of the crash, but the noise and chaos allowed Onasi to pull him away from the wreckage without being detected. Onasi transported Revan to the deserted apartment, situated within the South Apartments, a ring of apartments found in the Upper City of the planet-spanning city. The planet's governing bodies, as well as the Sith forces that later occupied the world, generally ignored the apartment complex since it was primarily populated by unlawful non-humans who were compelled to reside there because of the speciesist statutes enforced within the ecumenopolis.

