
The Revenue was a cargo-carrying freighter of the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210, with Daultay Dofine serving as its commanding officer.


A Neimoidian navigator, a Sullustan communications officer, a Gran computer controller, and an Ishi Tib treasurer comprised the remainder of the crew. OLR-4 was among the security droids that formed the ship's complement. Deflector shields and equatorially-mounted turbolaser batteries provided the freighter's defenses.


While at Dorvalla loading a massive quantity of Lommite ore, the vessel came under attack from Arwen Cohl, a mercenary acting on behalf of the Nebula Front. This terrorist organization opposed the Trade Federation's control over planets in the Outer Rim. The attack resulted in the freighter's destruction, with wreckage dispersed across the Dorvalla system.

