Reyé Hollis

Reyé Hollis was a sergeant serving within the Rebel Alliance Special Forces, and was a human hailing from Naboo. This Naboo native was among the rebels involved in the construction of Echo Base. Despite harboring some doubts concerning the Jedi Order, he developed a close relationship with the Jedi Luke Skywalker.


Reyé Hollis, a human male from Naboo, held the rank of sergeant within the Rebel Alliance's special forces. In 3 ABY, he took part in establishing Echo Base situated in the southern Clabburn Range of the ice planet Hoth. The severe conditions led Hollis to remark that the planet was far from "hothpitable" and only suitable for those seeking refuge, such as the Alliance. He quickly formed bonds with fellow Alliance members stationed on Hoth.

Soon after his introduction to the newly arrived Jedi Luke Skywalker, Hollis and Skywalker found themselves trapped together when a massive fork-nosed ice worm erupted from the ground, causing an ice cave-in. Despite initial disagreements with the Jedi, he soon placed his trust in him. Together, they collaborated to excavate their way out of the tunnel.

Personality and traits

Hollis possessed a dark [beard](/article/hair], skin darker than his beard, curly hair, and dark eyes framed by thick eyelashes. He held skepticism regarding the Jedi's value, their powers, and the Force, influenced by tales of the Jedi Order's failure to prevent the rise of the Galactic Empire. He frequently employed comparisons in his speech and thought processes, likening Hoth to the galaxy's worst ice cream shop and observing that Skywalker's blue eyes resembled Hoth's sky on a clear day.


To endure Hoth's environment, Hollis donned white, water-resistant pants and a fur-trimmed parka crafted from the same material, complemented by gloves, black combat boots, and a helmet equipped with goggles.

Behind the scenes

Within Star Wars canon continuity, Reyé Hollis made his debut in the 2022 short story "Luke on the Bright Side" penned by Sam Maggs, featured in the anthology Stories of Jedi and Sith. However, Maggs envisioned him as a character she claimed was mentioned in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, one of the extras in The Empire Strikes Back was recognized as Reyé Hollis, receiving the last name "Hollis" in the 1998 Star Wars Customizable Card Game set Special Edition Limited and first name "Reyé" in the Star Wars Insider 74 article "Who's Who in Echo Base" by Josh Radke, published on February 26, 2004.

