Flight Lieutenant Rignik served as a TIE pilot within the Imperial Navy, operating a TIE/LN starfighter around 3 ABY. In that year, during the Galactic Empire's occupation of the planet Bespin, Rignik was among the TIE pilots who initially patrolled outside the atmosphere and provided an escort for the craft Slave I, piloted by bounty hunter Boba Fett, as it departed the planet. Subsequently, the pilots received revised orders, tasking them with the pursuit of the freighter Millennium Falcon, which was then attempting its own escape from Bespin.
By 3 ABY, Rignik held the rank of Flight Lieutenant and was a TIE pilot stationed within the Imperial Navy. During that year, he piloted a TIE/LN starfighter and reported to his Flight Commander, Mallop. In 3 ABY, the Galactic Empire initiated the occupation of the planet Bespin with the primary objective of capturing the Millennium Falcon, a YT-1300 light freighter known to be associated with the Rebel Alliance. When bounty hunter Boba Fett, who had assisted the Empire during the occupation of Bespin, departed the planet aboard his Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft, the Slave I, Rignik and Mallop were among the four TIE/LN starfighter pilots—initially performing a standard patrol—who approached the craft as it made its way towards the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Avenger positioned outside of Bespin's atmosphere.

Fett cautioned Rignik and the other pilots to decrease their speed when their TIE/LN starfighters began matching the velocity of Slave I. Consequently, the TIE pilots maintained their pursuit of the ship, but only from the maximum possible range, until it initiated a jump into hyperspace. The pilots' return to their designated patrol routes proved to be brief, as the group soon received new directives to intercept and pursue the Millennium Falcon, which was approaching their location from Bespin.
Rignik expressed his apprehension, referencing the Falcon's previous destruction of Arnod's TIE flight within the Hoth asteroid field, along with the ship's involvement in the Battle of Yavin. However, he was quickly reprimanded by Mallop for this outburst. Eventually, TIE/LN starfighters belonging to the Imperial Obsidian Squadron engaged in the pursuit of the Falcon as it departed Bespin and entered space, though the freighter ultimately managed to evade capture by Imperial forces.
Rignik, along with the other TIE pilots, experienced a sense of relief when Boba Fett's Slave I jumped into hyperspace. However, this respite was short-lived, as they were immediately tasked with the pursuit of the Millennium Falcon. Rignik's anxious inquiry about the freighter led to Mallop scolding the Flight Lieutenant, informing him that he would be placed on report upon their return.
Michael Stern conceived the character of Rignik for "Dark Voyage to Tatooine," a short story featured in West End Games' 1990 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game sourcebook titled Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi.