Rimma, a celestial body, was an astronomical feature of the Core Worlds, situated along the super-hyperroute known as the Rimma Trade Route. The city of Recardeon was situated on Rimma, alongside some ancient ruins. By 3637 BBY, some scrolls found within these ruins made note of the existence of the artifacts referred to as the Three Great Works.
Approximately four millennia later, the jatz musician Fitz Roi was scheduled to perform on Rimma. However, the day preceding his concert, Roi instigated a disturbance in the Crystal Room of the Teirra Parko establishment by discharging his projectile pistols at various historical artifacts housed in the room, resulting in damage to the artwork on display. Local authorities promptly expelled Roi from Rimma, and millions of the musician's fans engaged in riots in Recardeon upon hearing about the concert's cancellation.
Rioting once again occurred on Rimma at some point during the Galactic Civil War, when crowds of residents from the Norsec shanty town invaded the suburbs of Recardeon and plundered the private residences located there. The Imperial governor of the Rimma system, Alyk Krysusten, then issued a public statement in which he asserted that the mobs had been provoked by Rebel Alliance instigators, adding that the government would implement stringent security measures as a consequence of the unrest.
Rimma was a terrestrial astronomical object situated within the Rimma system, a section of the Southern Core region of the Core Worlds. The Rimma system functioned as a navigational anchor point on the Rimma Trade Route super-hyperroute, linking it to the Core Worlds' Dentaal system and the Giju system in the Colonies.
Sometime before 3637 BBY, a collection of ancient ruins on Rimma yielded several scrolls. These documents mentioned the existence of the artifacts known as the Three Great Works. By that year, only two of the artifacts had been found, and the future commander of the Eternal Alliance dispatched a companion to search for the third of the Great Works.
Around the date 35:1:22, the renowned jatz musician Fitz Roi visited Rimma as part of his Core-spanning Summerside Tour of concerts. Millions of Roi's music enthusiasts journeyed to the city of Recardeon on Rimma from across the star system. On the day preceding his scheduled concert in Recardeon, Roi visited the Teirra Parko establishment, where another occupant of the Crystal Room challenged him. In response, the musician began firing his famous antique projectile pistols at the Crystal Room's fixtures in a random and uncontrolled manner. The resulting chaos led to the destruction or damage of several historical artifacts.
Rimma officials responded swiftly, permanently deporting Roi from the celestial body and halting his concert tour. Upon learning of the concert's cancellation, Roi's fans engaged in rioting, causing several hundred thousand credits' worth of property damage in downtown Recardeon. On 35:1:22, TriNebulon News covered the Crystal Room incident in a news report from Recardeon.
During the Galactic Civil War, Alyk Krysusten served the Galactic Empire as the governor of the Rimma system. At some point during that conflict, the residents of the Norsec shanty town initiated a riot, invading the suburbs of Recardeon and looting private residences. Upon reaching the city's industrial sector, the mobs encountered strong resistance from troops of corporate security.
In response to the unrest, Krysusten issued a public statement the following day. The governor stated that his intelligence sources indicated that the residents of the Norsec shanty town had been incited to riot by political dissidents affiliated with the Rebel Alliance. According to Krysusten's statement, the Rebel instigators were also residing in the slum district, hiding among the huts of the locals while establishing a permanent base of operations. The governor ordered increased security checks throughout Recardeon and traffic restrictions from outlying areas of the city.
Later that day, Krysusten was scheduled to meet with Iolyn Travanne, the commander of the local garrison, and the citizens of Recardeon anticipated that Imperial stormtroopers would be ordered by the government to overrun the Norsec district to disperse its populace and eliminate any Rebel presence. The rioting in Recardeon and its aftermath were later reported on by media outlets.
Rimma was the location of the city of Recardeon. It included an industrial sector and suburbs in the northern section. The suburbs housed private residences and several estates. The Teirra Parko establishment, which contained the Crystal Room, was also located in Recardeon. The Crystal Room displayed several of Rimma's historical artifacts of artistic value. Outside of Recardeon's northern suburbs was a large district known as the Norsec shanty town. Desperate and angry beggars lived in hovels in the slum district. Additionally, a set of ancient ruins and a Imperial Military garrison were also located on Rimma.
Rimma was first mentioned in the "Galaxywide NewsNets" feature of West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal 3, published in August 1994. The feature was written by Paul Sudlow. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Rimma system, and consequently the celestial body Rimma, in grid square L-13.