Rock paste

Rock paste was a resilient substance, capable of solidifying to the hardness of natural stone. This material was the invention of the Geonosian species, native to the planet of Geonosis. They produced it by combining pulverized stone with the excretions, including feces, of domesticated phidna parasites. This paste yielded a polished surface, and the Geonosians employed it in the construction of their buildings and spires. Furthermore, rock paste was combined with phidna waste to construct architectural designs that were aesthetically pleasing to Geonosian leaders.

Among the structures incorporating rock paste were a ventilation opening situated above the Petranaki Arena, as well as the brown-colored walls within the conference chamber of the Stalgasin hive, where the Executive Separatist Council convened before the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. An incomplete holding cell within the spire, where the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi was detained, featured bare rock walls conspicuously lacking the rock paste finish.

Behind the scenes

Within the current Star Wars canon, the initial mention of rock paste occurred in the 2015 reference guide, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know.


Notes and references
