
Rokon held the rank of admiral within the Republic Navy during the time of the Jedi Civil War. His service was cut short when Sith commandos infiltrated his flagship above Iridonia and sabotaged the vessel's operational systems, rendering him unable to continue.


During the Jedi Civil War, Rokon served as an admiral for the Galactic Republic's navy. A few months into the war, he was in command of a fleet positioned in orbit around the planet Iridonia, operating from his flagship, the Hammerhead-class cruiser known as the Champion of Iridonia. During a battle occurring above Iridonia against Sith forces, commandos of the Sith, under the leadership of Acaadi, managed to infiltrate the Champion. Rokon, having sustained minor injuries in the ongoing battle, monitored the intruders from the ship's bridge and sought assistance from a group of Jedi present on the planet's surface. He requested that they proceed to a specific section of the ship to confront the Sith threat. However, Acaadi sabotaged the ship's systems, resulting in an electrical surge and explosion at the bridge consoles. This explosion resulted in the deaths of the majority of the bridge crew and left Rokon incapacitated, effectively placing the defense of the Champion in the hands of the Republic operatives.

Behind the scenes

Rokon appeared as a supporting character in Iridonian Darkness, an adventure for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast, authored by Sterling Hershey. This adventure was offered as a free online download from in October of 2008. Although Iridonian Darkness provides players with several choices, the meeting with Rokon is unavoidable and the players cannot prevent Rokon from being incapacitated later in the adventure.

