Acaadi existed as a Zabrak male Jedi during the era of the Galactic Republic's conflict with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. During this period of strife, he fought alongside fellow Zabrak Duqua Dar, aligning himself with the Revanchists—a faction of Jedi under the leadership of then-Jedi Knight Revan—who defied the directives of the Jedi Council and actively participated in the war. Revan commanded the Republic forces throughout the war, but he gradually embraced Sith philosophies. Acaadi's unwavering loyalty to Revan ultimately led him down the path to the dark side, transforming him into a Sith operative at the onset of the Jedi Civil War. This war erupted when Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, accompanied by his apprentice Darth Malak, launched an invasion against the Republic. In his capacity as a Sith agent, Acaadi gained notoriety for his skill in corrupting both Jedi and citizens of the Republic.
On the world of Iridonia, Acaadi was assigned the task of undermining Republic forces both on the planet and in its orbit, setting the stage for a Sith assault on the Republic fleet stationed there. He successfully infiltrated a band of Mandalorian mercenaries, manipulating them to demolish a Republic communications center. Subsequently, he masterminded a scheme to lure Duqua Dar to the dark side. Acaadi found himself pursued by a team of Jedi and spacers working as Republic agents, who sought to foil his machinations. These agents tracked Acaadi to the Republic fleet's flagship, the Hammerhead-class cruiser Champion of Iridonia, which was positioned in orbit. There, a confrontation ensued between them, Acaadi, and his squad of Sith commandos, with the fate of the Republic fleet hanging precariously in the balance.

During his tenure as a Jedi, the Zabrak male known as Acaadi journeyed to the homeworlds of the Draethos and Miraluka to delve into the Keetael and Luka Sene Force traditions, respectively. He participated in the Galactic Republic's war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, aligning himself with the Revanchists—a group of Jedi led by then-Jedi Knight Revan—who defied the directives of the Jedi Council and actively engaged in the conflict. As the leader of the Republic forces in the war, Revan unearthed ancient Sith teachings and ultimately embraced them. Early in the Mandalorian Wars, Acaadi fought alongside his fellow Zabrak Jedi, Duqua Dar, but Acaadi's devotion to Revan eventually steered him toward the dark side. Dar, however, resisted the allure of the dark side and remained on their shared homeworld of Iridonia, though he felt that his true purpose lay elsewhere.
Acaadi transitioned into a Sith agent at the start of the Jedi Civil War, which was triggered when Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan and his apprentice Darth Malak spearheaded an invasion of the Galactic Republic in 3959 BBY. In this capacity, Acaadi cultivated a reputation for corrupting Jedi and Republic citizens or supporters alike.
As the Jedi Civil War began, Acaadi infiltrated a contingent of Mandalorian mercenaries on Iridonia, concealing his identity in red Rally Master armor, the attire of mid-ranking Neo-Crusaders. By convincing them to follow his lead, Acaadi ultimately exploited the Mandalorians to assault a Republic communications center, with the objective of destroying it in anticipation of a planned Sith offensive against Iridonia. Having accomplished their mission, the Mandalorians became a liability to Acaadi, leading him to devise a plan to eliminate them in a way that would benefit him. He employed his ability to peer into the future to orchestrate a scenario where he could dispose of the Mandalorians while simultaneously driving a wedge between Duqua Dar and the Jedi Order, with the ultimate goal of turning him to the dark side and enlisting him in the Sith cause.

As the Mandalorians withdrew from the communications center, they divided into two groups, heading toward a rendezvous point near the city of Wortan. One group encountered Dar, while the other was ambushed and eliminated by a team of Jedi and spacers acting under Republic orders. Acaadi rescued Dar from the Mandalorians and leveraged the encounter to persuade Dar to join him. Dar was swayed by the argument that the Jedi Order had been stifling him, preventing him from embracing his innate aggressive tendencies. The Republic agents overheard the conversation between the two Zabrak via comlink. However, they remained unaware that Dar had agreed to align himself with Acaadi, prompting them to rush to Dar's assistance.
Acaadi and Dar made their way to Acaadi's private hangar in Wortan, with the Republic agents in pursuit. Upon reaching Wortan, the Republic agents scoured the city in search of the two Zabrak, encountering two unexpected allies in the process: the male Draethos Darok-Tho and the female Miraluka Jirany Sha, both practitioners of Keetael and Luka Sene, respectively—the very Force traditions that Acaadi had studied during his earlier travels as a Jedi. These two Force-sensitives had been dispatched to Iridonia based on their masters' Force visions, with the mission of assisting the Republic agents in stopping Acaadi. They believed that the Sith agent was exploiting techniques he had acquired while studying their respective Force traditions to corrupt Jedi and advance the agenda of Darth Revan's Sith Empire.
With the assistance of Darok-Tho and Sha, the Republic agents successfully located Acaadi's hangar. Acaadi detected the approaching group and instructed the hangar's guards to retreat from the exterior, preferring to have the Republic agents encounter Dar within the hangar, which was under the watchful eyes of a squad of his Sith commandos concealed among nearby debris. Just as the agents arrived, Acaadi departed the planet in his personal shuttle with another contingent of Sith commandos, heading for the flagship of the Republic fleet in Iridonia's orbit, the Hammerhead-class cruiser Champion of Iridonia. His objective was to sabotage the ship in preparation for a surprise Sith raid against the Republic fleet. After the Republic agents attempted to dissuade Dar from embracing the dark side and were forced to engage the Sith commandos who attacked at Acaadi's command, they uncovered Acaadi's plan and rushed to the Champion of Iridonia to alert Admiral Rokon, the commander of the Republic fleet.
As the Republic agents neared the Champion of Iridonia, the Sith fleet arrived to initiate its attack. Acaadi boarded the Champion of Iridonia, donning an ill-fitting Republic naval lieutenant's uniform, and led his commandos to an engineering station. The crew of the Champion of Iridonia identified the Sith agent's location through security feeds as Acaadi and his commandos sabotaged the ship. Acaadi turned to face one of the cameras and addressed Admiral Rokon, informing him that he was too late. At that precise moment, Acaadi's group unleashed a surge of electrical energy through the bridge control panels, resulting in the deaths of the crew and injuries to the admiral. Moving to seize control of the ship, Acaadi and his commandos stormed the bridge, only to be confronted by the Republic agents, who had also arrived aboard. A desperate battle ensued between Acaadi and his commandos and the Republic agents, with the fate of the Champion of Iridonia and the Republic fleet hanging in the balance.
Acaadi was a Zabrak male characterized by whitish skin adorned with an intricate pattern of black, flowing tattoos composed of stylized knots and strands, encircling the eight small horns on his head. The tattoo pattern created the illusion of a mask covering his piercing red eyes. He incorporated a similar intertwined black-and-white motif on the hilt of his red-bladed lightsaber.
Acaadi possessed a charismatic personality, which he combined with his knowledge of the Force to corrupt others. Jirany Sha's Luka Sene mentor recounted tales of Acaadi's secretive and disruptive nature as a young Jedi, despite his fascination with non-Jedi Force knowledge. In addition to Basic, Acaadi was fluent in Draethos and Zabraki. He spoke with a low, smooth voice, characterized by a classic Iridonian accent.
Acaadi was a highly knowledgeable Force-user, having mastered numerous techniques as both a Jedi and Sith, as well as through his studies with various Force-using groups. He possessed the ability to perceive glimpses of other places and times through the use of farseeing, and he could also wield Force lightning. Acaadi could conceal his Force presence from other Force-users at will, and he could also influence the minds of others, allowing him to evade detection.
In combat, Acaadi favored utilizing Force powers over lightsaber combat. He was proficient in telekinetic applications of the Force, capable of lifting beings into the air during engagements.
Acaadi wielded a red-bladed lightsaber featuring an entwined black-and-white pattern on the hilt. He also carried a heavy blaster pistol and a comlink. For the assault on the Champion of Iridonia, Acaadi donned a stolen Republic naval lieutenant's uniform.
Acaadi served as the primary antagonist in Iridonian Darkness, an online adventure for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game penned by Sterling Hershey and made available as a free download from Wizards of the Coast's website on October 8, 2008.
In Iridonian Darkness, the player's choices impact Acaadi's actions throughout the game. During the Republic agents' meeting with Duqua Dar in Acaadi's hangar, if Dar succumbs to the dark side, Acaadi instructs him to eliminate the Republic agents and join him in destroying the Republic fleet. Conversely, if Dar is redeemed, Acaadi orders his commandos to kill them all. During the final confrontation aboard the Champion of Iridonia, if Jirany Sha and Darok-Tho are present with the Republic agents, Acaadi will taunt them, boasting about how he has exploited what he learned from their traditions to corrupt Jedi and others throughout the galaxy. Depending on the players' actions, Acaadi can either die in the final encounter or flee in an escape pod at the game's conclusion.