Romin (species)

Romin were a species of humanoids who, compared to Humans, possessed a somewhat shorter height. Their physical characteristics included golden-hued skin and eyes. Their noses were notably flat, scarcely elevated from their faces, while their mouths were broad and capable of a wide range of expressions.

Originating from the planet known as Romin, this species was structured into a two-class system. A small percentage of Romin comprised the elite, distinguished by their affluence and elevated social standing. Conversely, the bulk of the Romin population belonged to the working class, enduring impoverished conditions and residing in expansive shanty towns located on the outskirts of the more prosperous cities. These impoverished areas of Romin were rife with disease and deterioration, which significantly shortened the working class's life expectancy, with a large number of children dying before reaching two years of age.

A single dictator, known as the Great Leader, governed the Romin people. In the waning years of the Republic before the Clone Wars, Roy Teda held the position of Great Leader. He gained notoriety for providing sanctuary to criminals from across the galactic community in exchange for hefty bribes, which were collected by his "charity" deputy.

