
Rooty, a Cragmoloid known for his penchant for gambling, was a common sight in the casinos of Nar Shaddaa. In addition to his gambling habits, he also engaged in smuggling with moderate success, operating from his CRX-Tug, the Solar Grazer. Despite once winning a considerable sum from Lando Calrissian at sabacc, Rooty's fondness for alcohol and games of chance perpetually kept him on the verge of financial ruin, always close to being one credit short. The Cragmoloid had a tendency to spend his money on excessive pleasures, in an attempt to forget the shame of abandoning his people when they needed him most.


Rooty was a male Cragmoloid who was born on Ankus, the Cragmoloid homeworld. During Rooty's life, the Cragmoloids of Ankus faced persecution from the Galactic Empire, TaggeCo, and hunters, pushing the sentient species toward extinction. Rooty was among the few Cragmoloids who managed to escape Ankus and find refuge on other planets. To avoid being targeted by greedy hunters, Rooty, like others, had his natural tusks removed.

Rooty arrived on Nar Shaddaa in 11 BBY, where he made his home. He frequented casinos and became a proficient gambler, as well as an occasional smuggler, especially after acquiring his own starship, the CRX-Tug Solar Grazer. Rooty spent most of his time on Nar Shaddaa, associating with scoundrels such as Lando Calrissian, Han Solo, and Salla Zend. He would occasionally pilot his ship for brief smuggling missions in Hutt Space.

In 1 BBY, Rooty participated in a game of sabacc with Calrissian and others. Confident in his hand, Calrissian rashly raised the bet to 20,000 credits, despite not having that much money at the time. Rooty won the game with an Idiot's Array, and was shocked when Calrissian offered alternative forms of payment. Rooty became enraged and threatened the Socorran with violence, including the use of a blaster. Rooty, along with the other gamblers, pursued Calrissian through the casino, eventually cornering him on a stairwell. Rooty angrily made death threats to Calrissian, but was suddenly appeased by Bib Fortuna, who needed Calrissian's services and offered to settle his debt to Rooty. While the Cragmoloid accepted the payment, he harbored resentment towards Calrissian from then on.

Personality and traits

Like many Cragmoloids, Rooty was a large pachydermoid with a prominent trunk, large, floppy ears, and natural tusks, which he had cut off. He was generally quiet, strong, burly, and uncouth, and tended to react with brute force when angered. He was easily angered by trickery. Rooty was unrefined and secretive about his age. He sought temporary gratification through gambling and drinking, spending his money in a futile attempt to escape the guilt of abandoning his people in their time of need.

Rooty, who was fluent in both Cragii and Galactic Basic Standard, was a skilled gambler with some talent as a pilot and smuggler. He piloted the CRX-Tug Solar Grazer, which had been modified with a short-range hyperdrive for smuggling operations. However, Rooty neglected the upkeep of his ship, which resulted in it becoming dilapidated.

Behind the scenes

Rooty's first appearance was in the first issue of the Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika comic series, which was written by Mike Kennedy and illustrated by Carlos Meglia. His backstory was further explored in the roleplaying article Unusual Suspects, featured in Star Wars Gamer 6, adapting Rooty for use in Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Rooty's name was included in the list of Cragmoloid names in Ultimate Alien Anthology.

