The Royal Felacatian Palace, situated on the planet Felacat, served as the residence for the planet's royal family. It was a sizable, multi-story structure.
During the Clone Wars, the droid army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems's launched an invasion of Felacat. At the time, Miaria Prrt, a Felacatian, held the title of Queen. The palace was placed under siege by the droid army, utilizing B1-Series battle droids and B2 super battle droids with support from Armored Assault Tanks. The Felacatian Queen repeatedly contacted the Galactic Republic, their ally, requesting reinforcements to combat the Separatist forces, but was informed that no assistance could be provided. After a duration of six weeks, three days, and seven hours into the siege, Ahsoka Tano, a Togruta Jedi Padawan, arrived alone on Felacat with her astromech droid, R7-A7. Landing on the palace's highest level, she intended to offer aid, but the guards mistook her for a Separatist spy and brought her before the queen. Miaria recognized the Jedi as a representative of the Republic's aid, but criticized the tardiness of her arrival. Their discussion was interrupted when super battle droids breached the palace's main gate, causing panic and a flight response from the palace guard. Ahsoka and the queen cooperated to defend against the droids, with the queen transforming into her beast form. This courageous act inspired the guard, who also transformed, and together with the Jedi, they successfully repelled the droids, thus ending the siege of the palace.
Robin Etherington, the writer, and Andres Ponce, the artist, created the Royal Felacatian Palace for the short comic The Feral Queen. This palace served as the primary setting for the comic, which was published in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.21.