Miaria Prrt

Miaria Prrt, a Felacatian female of royal blood, held the title of Princess in Felacat. Later, during the tumultuous period of the Clone Wars, she ascended to the position of Queen.


Voyage with Villie

As the female Felacatian Princess of Felacat, Miaria Prrt was the designated heir to the throne of her planet. Around 32 BBY, Prrt was abducted while traveling in deep space. However, when the ship initiated a jump to hyperspace, the intense forces triggered Prrt's transformation into her species' secondary form, leading her to kill the entire crew.

Subsequently, the ship arrived on Tatooine, where Prrt encountered a smuggler named Vilmarh Grahrk. She contracted him to transport her back to her homeworld. Prrt was candid with Grahrk, cautioning him that significant stress, like a prolonged hyperspace jump, would compel her transformation, necessitating a gradual journey. Grahrk readily agreed, and after resolving a debt with Watto, a local junk dealer who provided the Devaronian with three pit droids, the unlikely pair embarked on their voyage aboard Grahrk's vessel, the Inferno.

Prrt in her "animal form"

After an extended period in hyperspace, Prrt began to experience headaches, signaling the impending transformation. Grahrk attempted to revert to realspace but found himself unable to do so. Unbeknownst to Grahrk, the pit droids, due to their flawed programming, were compulsively attempting to "repair" anything they encountered, and had disabled the ship's hyperdrive brakes. While Grahrk went to investigate the issue, Prrt began to change.

Although he discovered the droids dismantling the navigation computer, the uncontrollable Prrt confronted and attacked him. Grahrk sought refuge in a nearby crawl chute, only to be informed by the ship's AI, NT 600, that the droids were now in the process of dismantling the vessel's core processor, which would leave them stranded in space. Grahrk managed to deactivate the droids while evading Prrt, eventually trapping the princess inside an escape pod until their arrival on Felacat.

Upon landing, Prrt was returned to her people. Grahrk, enraged by the trouble and damage she had caused, demanded compensation from the planetary leaders. The king and his guards responded with threats of their own transformations, warning Grahrk against provoking them. Back on his ship, Grahrk began to smile. NT inquired about his happiness, and Grahrk revealed that he had left the malfunctioning pit droids on the planet with instructions to "fix the planet to death," a prospect that delighted Vilmarh.

The Clone Wars

The siege of the Royal Felacatian Palace

By the time the Clone Wars erupted, Prrt had ascended to the throne as the Queen of Felacat. For the preceding decade, she had dedicated herself to teaching her people to master their animalistic instincts and control their involuntary transformations under stress. Through her efforts, she had profoundly reshaped their culture, fostering a peaceful and sophisticated society that held promise as a valuable addition to the Galactic Republic.

Around 21 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, in their conflict against the Republic, sought to conquer Felacat. With their infrastructure in ruins, the Royal Felacatian Palace was under siege, and Prrt could only observe from above as her soldiers struggled to repel the relentless waves of battle droids. For more than six weeks, the CIS assaulted the Felacatians with droids and Armored Assault Tanks. Queen Prrt repeatedly appealed to the Galactic Senate for assistance, but received only empty promises in return.

With resources thinly stretched across the galaxy, the Senate could only dispatch Ahsoka Tano, the Togruta Padawan, to aid Prrt and her people. Tano, accompanied by her astromech droid, R7-A7, skillfully navigated her starfighter through the battle and landed on a docking platform atop the palace. Tano was dismayed by the extent of the damage to the palace, but when she approached the guards, they ordered her to surrender rather than welcoming her assistance.

Prrt changes her form in order to fight

Tano was escorted to Prrt, who stood on a high balcony, watching the battle in despair. The guards suggested executing Tano, but Prrt dismissed their suggestion, recognizing her as a Jedi. Tano informed Prrt that she was there to evacuate the queen from the planet, but Prrt rejected the idea, suggesting that Tano leave instead. She recounted how their pleas had been ignored, and now that they had managed to resist the invaders for nearly a month, they no longer needed Tano's assistance. However, at that moment, the Separatist's B2 super battle droids breached the main gate of the palace, causing Prrt's soldiers to flee in terror.

Prrt fights against the CIS droids

Prrt declared that it was time for her to act, and while Tano assumed she would retreat as well, Prrt instead began to transform into her more aggressive form. As the transformation completed, Tano inquired about her ability to transform at will, but Prrt charged into battle, with Tano trying to keep up. Prrt smashed into the attacking droids, tearing them apart with her claws. Her own soldiers were astonished to see her in her alternate form, and when Tano asked why she was the only one to do so, she explained how she had trained her species to suppress the beast within themselves. While dismantling a tank, she told Tano that she had been wrong to trust the Republic, which had ultimately weakened her people. Tano tried to convince the queen that the Republic was still worth fighting for and that they would never ask a peaceful people to change, but Prrt believed that with her palace fallen and her soldiers in retreat, the end of her civilization was imminent.

As the pair toppled a large pillar together, Prrt with her claws and Tano with her lightsabers, the queen's guards halted their retreat and watched the ferocity with which both women fought. Prrt told Tano that she had been abandoned by the Republic she believed in, but Tano countered that she was not alone—she was fighting alongside Prrt. The pillar collapsed, crushing many droids beneath its weight, and Prrt realized that Tano was right. She apologized to the Padawan, but said that they would die together despite her misjudgment. Suddenly, the rest of the Felacatians transformed as well, inspired by the sight of their queen's bravery. They charged into the front lines, decimating the Separatist forces. The droids attempted to retreat, but the Felacatians pursued and destroyed them. Later, atop the fallen pillar, Prrt stood draped only in the flag of her people and spoke with Tano. Prrt thanked Tano for her help and told her that she would once again resume talks of alliance with the Republic, but that she needed to find something other than the flag to wear first.

