Royal Security Forces police raid on Mauler base

The police action executed by the Royal Security Forces against the Mauler base was a mission undertaken by operatives from the Royal Naboo Security Forces, providing support to the understaffed local NSF police force in Keren.


During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the Maulers were one of many criminal syndicates that plagued the otherwise tranquil planet of Naboo. Following the successful breaking of a Mauler siege against local farmers, Typho, who was then in charge of the RSF detachment in Keren, gave orders to an unspecified number of agents from the Royal Security Police Force. These agents had previously served under Quarsh Panaka during the triumphant raid on the Skaak Tipper hideout, an operation that resulted in the death of Jonni Skaak. Their new assignment was to assist the Keren police in ensuring the remaining Maulers could no longer threaten the safety of the citizenry.

The Execution

Seizure of five weapon caches

The Mauler Stronghold.

The RSF operatives made their entrance, infiltrating a Mauler Stronghold in the vicinity, and engaged the remaining Maulers in combat. After eliminating a minimum of fifteen of them, they secured the area. As an outcome of this initial phase, the RSF discovered that the Maulers had five crates filled with experimental weaponry stored at a secondary location. Typho immediately redeployed the agents to this secondary base with instructions to locate and seize the weapon caches. The RSF operatives successfully pinpointed the secondary base and the crates, which the Maulers had originally stolen during the siege. Following a confrontation with the Maulers, where they neutralized at least five Mauler Champions, the RSF agents successfully secured the five crates. With the initial operation deemed a success, Typho instructed the RSF agents to commence the second stage of the operation.

Deciphering communications

The Mauler Apprentice Camp.

Typho, harboring suspicions that the Maulers were in the planning stages of a substantial military endeavor, possibly involving the experimental weapons, tasked the RSF agents with further investigation to validate his concerns. After incapacitating at least seven Mauler Apprentices, the RSF agents uncovered seven encrypted communiqués within the Mauler Apprentice Camp. From his command center in Keren, Typho proposed the idea of acquiring a decoding device from one of the resident Mauler Lords. Having overcome an unspecified number of Lords, the RSF agents eventually located the device, and then proceeded to the Theed Royal Palace to decode the messages. The decoded messages revealed a plot by a Mauler warlord to seize control of the gang and launch a major offensive against Keren.

A decisive intervention

The Mauler Usurper.

Alarmed by this newly acquired intelligence, Typho ordered the RSF agents to return to the secondary base with the mission to eliminate the Mauler Usurper before the planned assault on Keren could be initiated. After battling their way back into the base, the RSF agents successfully defeated the usurper and his Mauler minions, effectively thwarting the Mauler's attempt to take over Keren.

The Result

Despite suffering significant setbacks from the operation, the Maulers persisted in their criminal activities. Typho continued to deploy the RSF agents on various missions against them, before eventually transferring them to the command of Pooja Naberrie.

