
The Maulers constituted a criminal organization that operated on Naboo throughout the Galactic Civil War.


An Aqualish and a Human Mauler stand guard at an encampment.

This group of thugs and assassins known as the Maulers, were adherents to the doctrines of the supposedly deceased Sith Lord Darth Maul. Although most lacked Force-sensitive abilities, they were known for their extreme brutality and violence. They established themselves in a region of Naboo that was once inhabited by peaceful philosophers. To honor Maul's distinctive tattoos, they typically wore red and black attire.

The Maulers also employed beast masters who specialized in training veermoks for combat purposes.


In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, the Royal Naboo Security Forces intensified their operations in response to the disturbances caused by the Maulers. These activities disrupted the spice smuggling activities of Radeld Siwar, a Rodian smuggler, prompting him to dispatch a young smuggler to address the issue. The smuggler successfully quieted the Maulers by ambushing and eliminating several of them near their stronghold.

Around the same period, a patron in Theed contracted the Maulers for an assassination, but the criminals accepted the payment without fulfilling the agreement. The patron subsequently sought revenge by revealing the location of their stronghold. Roric V`lia, a Naboo noble who employed Vaik'anna Silverlight, occasionally utilized the services of the Maulers.

In 1 ABY, the Maulers devised plans for widespread criminal activities across Naboo. However, their operations were thwarted by agents of the Royal Naboo Security Forces. The Royal Security Police Force conducted a raid on the Mauler Apprentice Camp and the Mauler Stronghold, situated near the city of Keren. During the operation, they successfully eliminated a Mauler warlord known as the Mauler Usurper, but Doogal Belstar, the Mauler Leader, was killed instead of captured. Concurrently, the Royal Marine Regiment targeted the Mauler Stronghold, resulting in the confiscation of weapons caches and the elimination of four Mauler leaders: Zolo Sartain, the chief tactician, Yarick Tempol, the chief of security, Xylan Kee'choap, the assassin, and Walus Mutin, the mystic.

Later on, Vance Groten enlisted RSF agents to eliminate a group of Maulers located near the city of Dee'ja Peak.

Subsequently, Rugor Nass, a Boss, dispatched a spacer to retrieve a Gungan artifact that had been stolen by the Maulers. Within the Mauler Bunker, the spacer killed the Mauler Master Driton Fitch and successfully recovered the artifact.

