Rutallaroo, existing in the time of the Imperial Era, was a Wookiee of the male persuasion. As a prominent military engineer located in Torukiko, he famously transformed a group of catamarans into offensive vessels. Furthermore, he masterminded and oversaw a secret, three-year campaign with the goal of expelling the Galactic Empire from the planet of Kashyyyk. Following his capture and delivery to Imperial forces by Bossk, Rutallaroo supposedly expressed remorse for his wrongdoings and "willingly" agreed to create equipment for the expanding military presence dispatched to Kashyyyk by the Empire.
Subsequently, he managed to get away and partnered with a Trandoshan captain named Doshanalawook. She utilized her vessel, the Liswarr, to aid in the fight against Imperial control and liberate enslaved Wookiees. In 3 ABY, Bossk located the Liswarr within the Rycep Belt. He gained access to the ship via its airlock and proceeded to the bridge. Rutallaroo, along with other Wookiees present, attempted to subdue Bossk but were all overcome. Rutallaroo possessed a resolute character, and as he aged, he became completely bald and carried numerous battle scars.