Sable Dawn

Members of Sable Dawn The clandestine group known as the Sable Dawn was a criminal syndicate with its base of operations in Point Nadir, as well as other locations, both before and during the Imperial Period and the Galactic Civil War. Operating as a shadowy collective of paid assassins, much of what they did was kept secret; most of its one hundred members were unaware that their leaders were a cadre of deadly Force Adepts. From carrying out assassinations and bounty hunting to aiding terrorist activities, the Sable Dawn was prepared to execute any task in their quest for riches and influence.


At one juncture, administrator Virec Xan was contracted to assassinate Tirello, a Hutt, by a Wroonian named Tis Dolan. If Tirello were killed, Dolan could install Zietta Anjiliac, a Hutt under Dolan's influence, as the leader of the Anjiliac kajidic located in Point Nadir. Consequently, Xan successfully positioned the cartel to gain power, fostering positive relationships with both the Hutt kajidic and the technocratic organization known as Epsis, to maintain this new order.

The Fell Star

While searching for a mysterious relic called the Fell Star, Barin Trevina, a Balosar thief, found himself in conflict with the Sable Dawn, who also sought the talisman for their own purposes. Numerous members of the organization actively pursued the Tatooinian conman, harassing his cousin at their residence in Mos Eisley and murdering the pilot of a freighter he had booked passage on. Trevina's employer, Prello Anjiliac, engaged a group of spacers to find Trevina and the Fell Star, leading the spacers into several confrontations with Sable Dawn's operatives, which ultimately led to a daring rescue at the Evad Court Safe House on Point Nadir. Following this event, the spacers escaped with Trevina into the comet's mines, where a Sable Dawn lieutenant organized an ambush in the area known as the Fissures. The spacers overcame the challenges within the mines, located the Fell Star, and defeated three formidable Force Adepts in the process.

