Sami was a scientist of the female gender and Human species, residing on the planet Manaan throughout the era known as the Jedi Civil War.
In 3956 BBY, Sami, a scientist employed by the Galactic Republic, found herself working at Hrakert Station. When Hrakert Station was attacked and taken over by Selkath who had been driven mad by the Progenitor, Sami had been working to create synthetic kolto. Revan discovered her and [Kono Nolan](/article/kono_nolan], who were among the small number of people who managed to survive.
She served as Nolan's ethical foil, pushing for the dismantling of the kolto mining equipment to pacify the Progenitor. Revan ultimately sided with her proposal, much to the disappointment of the amoral Nolan, who had championed the use of a novel toxin to eliminate the massive firaxa.