Sand burrower

Sand burrowers were worms that consumed meat, being native to the planet of Blenjeel. They were also carnivorous.

Biology and appearance

A sand burrower attacking

These large, flesh-eating worms possessed short appendages along their bodies and mottled brown shells. Their eyeless heads had circular mouths with four jaws, containing small teeth angled inward. When moving underground, sand burrowers stayed near the surface, causing the sand to churn as they approached prey. They were faster than humanoids. Detecting prey through ground vibrations, they would emerge from the sand to seize victims with their mouths before retreating underground. However, their limited intelligence meant they could be easily tricked. For example, the explosion of a thermal detonator or the vibration from a blaster bolt hitting the sand could be mistaken for a person, allowing the thrower or shooter to escape in another direction.

Sand burrowers in the galaxy

The planet Blenjeel was the original native habitat of sand burrowers. During the year 14 ABY, Jedi Initiate Jaden Korr witnessed one of these creatures devour a shipwreck survivor. Consequently, he was forced to evade them while searched for replacement components to repair his ship.

