Sand People chieftain

The leader of a tribe of Sand People, the Sand People chieftain, governed their enclave located within the Dune Seas of Tatooine, specifically southwest of Anchorhead. This occurred during the timeline of the Jedi Civil War.


During 3956 BBY, Revan and the group aboard the Ebon Hawk made their way to the desert world in their quest to locate the Rakatan Star Map hidden there. After he, along with his companions, infiltrated the Sand People's enclave, disguised in robes scavenged from a dead ambush party, and ostensibly acting on behalf of the Czerka Corporation with the mission to eliminate the Sand People, they managed to engage in negotiations with the chieftain. This was made possible through the translation skills of HK-47. The terms discussed involved a ceasefire in exchange for providing the tribe with moisture vaporators to enhance their water supply. In return, the chieftain committed to relocating the tribe further away from the settlement and decreasing the frequency of their attacks on miners. Revan initially requested a complete cessation of attacks, but the chieftain stated that it was impossible, citing the constant desecration of their customs by outsiders as justification for their retaliatory actions. Revan then consented to the agreement and pledged to deliver the vaporators. The chieftain expressed skepticism about the Jedi's return but agreed to wait.

Upon Revan's unexpected return bearing the vaporators, the chieftain further consented to release not only Griff, the older sibling of Twi'lek party member Mission Vao, but also a trio of captive Jawas. Despite the chieftain's continued distrust of Revan, he offered his gaffi stick to the Jedi as a symbol of goodwill. Ultimately, the chieftain guided his people to a different region of Tatooine.

Behind the scenes

In one alternative outcome, the chieftain permits Revan and the group to liberate Griff Vao and the imprisoned Jawas in return for a krayt dragon pearl.

In the dark side influenced conclusion, Revan provokes the Sand People into attacking him, which leads to the entire tribe being killed by the party. However, this isn't always a dark side action. If Revan attempts to converse with the chieftain without the help of HK-47, the tribe will initiate an attack.

Even if the player utilizes HK-47 for peaceful negotiation, the chieftain and his tribe can still attack Revan if the player tries to access any of the containers within the Enclave.

If Revan engages in a conversation with the chieftain about their past, it can be revealed that the village has a storyteller. To gain access to the Storyteller, one must first demonstrate their worth as a warrior by slaying a krayt dragon and presenting its pearl as proof. The chieftain expresses doubt that this will be accomplished, but if it is, the pearl can be brought to him, granting access to the Storyteller. Through the Storyteller, the enigmatic history of the Sand People can be uncovered. However, caution is advised when asking questions, as despite HK-47's warnings, the entire tribe may become hostile.

