This isolated settlement, belonging to a tribe of Sand People, existed within the Dune Sea on the planet of Tatooine. It was situated in proximity to Anchorhead, a settlement that had been previously founded by the Czerka Corporation at some point preceding the Jedi Civil War. Throughout the duration of the war, the Sand People residing in this location persisted in their age-old tradition of engaging in conflict with those from outside their tribe. They achieved this by launching attacks on mining sandcrawlers, killing as many as possible, but frequently capturing prisoners, one being Mission Vao's sibling, Griff. In 3956 BBY, when Revan journeyed to the planet with the intention of locating Tatooine's Star Map, he was commissioned by Czerka to neutralize the threat presented by the native inhabitants, even if it meant the destruction of their settlement. Acting upon Mission's request, he also pledged to make an attempt to liberate Griff, should it prove feasible. A conservationist of the Duros species, however, made a plea to the group, urging them to first explore the possibility of establishing communication with the Sand People. Following the advice of the Duros, Revan made the purchase of HK-47, which the seller, Yuka Laka, asserted possessed the capability to speak the Ghorfa language. After obtaining Sand People attire following an encounter where he eliminated an ambush party, he adopted a disguise to appear as one of them. This allowed Revan, together with the assassin droid, to gain entry into the settlement without being targeted by the defending turrets. However, once inside, the disguise was compromised. Thanks to Revan's quick thinking and the translation services provided by HK-47, he successfully persuaded them to bring him before the Sand People chieftain. The chieftain, taken aback by the interest displayed by the outsider, revealed that his tribe had intentions of relocating further away from Anchorhead, but they first needed to accumulate a sufficient supply of water. Revan then made an agreement to provide the tribe with a collection of moisture vaporators in exchange for a reduction in the frequency of attacks on miners. When the Jedi unexpectedly delivered the vaporators, the chieftain gratefully presented him with his ceremonial gaffi stick. Following this, he consented to release Griff, along with a group of three captive Jawas. At a later time, Revan brought a krayt dragon pearl to the Sand People, with the intention of demonstrating his worth to the Storyteller, hoping to gain access to their history. When the moment arrived for them to relocate, the settlement was either left behind or dismantled and packed up for transportation.