
Sandswimmers, resembling spider-like entities, inhabited the Tatooine landscape. Recognized as some of the most dangerous predators of the planet, they employed a unique hunting strategy: submerging themselves beneath the desert's arid sands and then surfacing to extract all fluids from their captured prey. The Sandswimmer's exoskeleton offered inherent protection against the severe conditions prevalent on Tatooine.

Biological Traits and Physical Description

The Sandswimmer was a non-sentient creature that possessed a physical resemblance to a spider, distinguished by a series of vibrantly colored leg fins utilized for navigating through the sandy terrain. These fins served a dual purpose: when the Sandswimmer emerged above the sand's surface, they could retract, minimizing their surface area and enabling the legs to effectively support the creature's weight. Their light-colored exoskeleton functioned as both camouflage and a defense against moisture loss in the intensely hot and arid environment. These creatures had six legs and a mouth similar to a sucker. Their exoskeletons displayed a yellow-brown hue.

Behavioral Patterns

Residing on Tatooine, Sandswimmers were among the most dreaded predators of that world. They primarily remained submerged beneath the sand, with only their eyes and the ridge of their back visible to those above. To attract potential mates, they needed to come to the surface and display their leg fins. Sandswimmers used their front legs to seize prey, attaching their sucker-like mouths to their victims. Subsequently, they rapidly extracted all fluids from their prey, eliminating the need for paralyzing poisons or other incapacitation methods. Once the draining process concluded, the Sandswimmer retreated back beneath the sand to digest the acquired fluids. The native Jawa scavengers were among their prey.

Behind the scenes

Tara E. Murphy conceived the Sandswimmer through the "Design An Alien" contest featured in Star Wars Galaxy. This competition, initiated in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 3 (1995), challenged participants to invent entirely new aliens inspired by the original trilogy of Star Wars films. Murphy, then 24, submitted her Sandswimmer drawing in the "16 and over" category. Although her entry did not win, it was featured in the "honorable mentions" section of Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 7 (1996). Leland Chee, the Star Wars continuity editor, later confirmed that the published "Design an Alien" material was considered canon. However, Sandswimmers have not appeared in any materials created after the "Design an Alien" initiative.


Notes and references
