The Design An Alien event, hosted by Star Wars Galaxy Magazine, invited its readership to conceive and submit their own unique Star Wars alien or creature designs. The announcement of this contest appeared in issue 3 of Star Wars Galaxy Magazine, while the winners were revealed in issue 7 of Star Wars Galaxy Magazine. Furthermore, additional honorable mentions were featured in issues 8 through 10 within the magazine's "Galactic Bazaar" section.
Leland Chee verified that the aliens showcased from this competition were considered canon—later rebranded as Legends—however, in cases of conflict with other established sources, those sources would take precedence over the contest submissions.
Ages 16 and Above:
- 1st Place: Ubese Thorn-Back War Dragon , created by Mark Rehkopf
- 2nd Place: Lyco Pibex , created by Brendon Fraim
- 3rd Place: Zybahhod Yenyoni , created by Jennifer Kay
- Honorable mention: Rorr'hn of Drgi , created by Tom Whalen
- Honorable mention: Amphi-Hydrus , created by Daren Horley
- Honorable mention: Hepmaga MiOrd , created by Jess Lackaff
- Honorable mention: Sandswimmer , created by Tara E. Murphy
- Honorable mention: Pitrillistian , created by Desset Fabien
- Honorable mention: Hepsalum Tash , created by Andrew Foley
- Honorable mention: Brock Lar , created by Matthew Berry and Craig Farr
- Honorable mention: Hysalrian , created by Chuck Hamilton
- Honorable mention: Vetria Scoth , created by Joe Lee
- Honorable mention: Shao to Gok by Martin Schlierkamp
- Honorable mention: The Skels of Hoth by Brian Fraim
Ages Under 16:
- 1st Place: Critokian , created by Ooi Say Hien
- 2nd Place: Stellan , created by Chris Cowdrill
- 3rd Place: Tibannuck , created by Nathaniel Gabor
- Honorable mention: Quariped , created by Jack Perkins
- Honorable mention: Jeby , created by Paul Rice
- Honorable mention: Tarron Neb , created by Stephen Baker
- Honorable mention: Scalt , created by Mary Burroughs
- Honorable mention: Wikyochee , created by Aaron Reeder