Zybahhod Yenyoni

title: Zybahhod Yenyoni

Hailing from the Zybahhod system located within the Outer Rim Territories', the Zybahhod Yenyoni were a sentient species. Possessing adaptations suited for desert environments, they possessed specialized salt glands that filtered sodium from the slightly salty water they consumed. The Zybahhod Yenyoni were known to create music using an instrument called the udjudg, and groups of this species eventually established settlements on the planet Tatooine.

Biology and appearance

The sentient species known as Zybahhod Yenyoni were approximately the size of a Human. Their slender bodies featured two legs and two hands, each with five digits. Their heads were characterized by five horn-like projections, two yellow eyes with vertical pupils, a Y-shaped naso-facial opening, and a mouth containing sharp teeth. Additionally, they possessed a short tail ending in a tuft of hair. The Zybahhod Yenyoni had mottled and wrinkled skin, primarily yellow and white, with sparse hairs covering their bodies, and the breast had two pointed blue nipples.

Being partially nocturnal, the Zybahhod Yenyoni were well-suited for life in desert regions, as their skin lacked sweat glands. They ingested brackish water, and their bodies filtered out sodium through specialized salt glands located near each eye.

Society and culture

Zybahhod Yenyoni society was structured around tribal units. Those inhabiting the planet Tatooine sought refuge in underground caves to escape the extreme heat generated by its binary suns. Members of this species created music by playing the udjudg using their naso-facial openings. One Zybahhod Yenyoni musician was observed carrying a young member of their species in a pouch on their back and wearing only scaled leather-like footwear with a sharp talon at the toe.

Zybahhod Yenyoni in the galaxy

The Zybahhod system, located within the Herios sector of the Outer Rim Territories', was the point of origin for the Zybahhod Yenyoni. Eventually, tribal groups of this species established colonies on Tatooine, a planet situated in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim.

Behind the scenes

Jennifer Kay conceived the Zybahhod Yenyoni through the "Design An Alien" contest featured in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine. The competition, which began in the magazine's third issue in April 1995, invited readers to invent entirely new alien species inspired by the Star Wars original trilogy films.

At the time she submitted her Zybahhod Yenyoni design, Kay was twenty-six years old. Her entry was later published in the magazine's seventh issue in April 1996, where it placed third in the "16 and up" category of the competition. Leland Chee, an employee of Lucasfilm responsible for maintaining the Holocron continuity database, later confirmed that published content from the "Design An Alien" competition was considered canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity.


Notes and references
