Hepmaga MiOrd

A male member of a sentient species, Hepmaga MiOrd resided on the planet Gamorr. He was part of a rogue offshoot clan of Remplish descent, whose forebears were exiled from Sullust long ago during a holy war. Like many of his kin, MiOrd made his living on Gamorr by operating a hunting business situated in the outer wastelands. This enterprise was co-owned with his three sisters, had. He tracked prey in the wastelands, and his customers included affluent restaurateurs, miners, and the Hutts. He used a type of spear to assist him.

Behind the scenes

The "Design An Alien" contest was announced in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 3 (1995). Star Wars enthusiasts were invited to design original aliens inspired by the original trilogy of Star Wars movies. Jess Lackaff, age 27, participated by creating Hepmaga MiOrd; while it did not win, it was published in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 7 (1996) with the winners in the "honorable mentions" section of the "16 and up" category. Leland Chee, a continuity editor, later declared that the "Design an Alien" content that was successfully published was indeed canon. Nevertheless, Hepmaga MiOrd has not been mentioned in any other Star Wars media.


Notes and references
