Ubese Thorn-Back War Dragon

Ubese Thorn-Back War Dragons were massive, aggressive creatures brought to the inhabited planets of the galaxy by Nomad-Damon during the Clone Wars. Certain people rode these reptilian monsters as mounts. However, with the rise of the Galactic Empire, these War Dragons were almost entirely exterminated.

Biology and appearance

Ubese Thorn-Back War Dragons were enormous, reptilian-looking animals. Horns covered their heads, shoulders, feet, and tails. Specifically, the War Dragons' heads bore six sizable horns—four pointed backward and two pointed forward, just beneath the eyes. Two more horns adorned their hips. Riders could use the War Dragons as mounts, sitting just behind the beast's front legs. The War Dragons' skin was primarily green, but their backs featured dark mottled spots, and their underbellies were noticeably lighter in color.


The exceedingly violent nature of Ubese Thorn-Back War Dragons was a well-known characteristic.


During the Clone Wars, a galactic war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Ubese Thorn-Back War Dragons were presented to the populated worlds of the galaxy. Nomad-Damon, a wanderer, was responsible for this introduction. Jedi Order members tried to tame these ferocious beasts, but their attempts were mostly unsuccessful. When the Republic transformed into Emperor Palpatine's Galactic Empire after the Clone Wars, government agents destroyed the War Dragons. Any survivors of the Imperial purges either vanished or were sold to wealthy private citizens. At one point, an individual using a modified lightsaber, rode a War Dragon and carried a blaster rifle on the creature's neck.

Behind the scenes

The "Design An Alien" contest was announced in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 3 (1995), challenging readers to create Star Wars aliens inspired by the original trilogy of movies. Mark Rehkopf, age 29, designed the Ubese Thorn-Back War Dragon and submitted his artwork to the magazine for the contest. Rehkopf's entry won first place in the "16 years and up" category, and his description of the creature, along with his original artwork, was published in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 7 (1996). Leland Chee, the Lucasfilm continuity editor, later stated that the "Design an Alien" material is canon. Despite this, no other Star Wars works have mentioned the Ubese Thorn-Back War Dragon.


Notes and references
