
The Amphi-Hydrus were a sentient species of amphibians originating from the planet Dac, located in the Outer Rim Territories. They possessed the capability to use telepathy, drawing power from the dark side of the Force to exert control over the minds of other beings. There was a time when they manipulated several rancors that had been brought to Dac, resulting in a short-lived period of disorder. After the Galactic Empire conquered the planet, the Amphi-Hydrus sought refuge in its swamps.

Biology and appearance

Among the various sentient species indigenous to Dac, a planet situated in the Calamari sector of the Outer Rim Territories, were the Amphi-Hydrus. These beings were amphibian, small in stature, and physically frail, characterized by a stocky build, green and brown-toned skin, and orange-colored eyes. Their bodies featured four limbs with double joints; the rear limbs had light-colored, blunt toes, while the front limbs each possessed four sharp, black claws. The Amphi-Hydrus exhibited sensitivity to the Force, particularly its dark side, which they could harness.

Society and culture

The Amphi-Hydrus demonstrated remarkable skill in telepathy, utilizing the dark side of the Force as a means to influence the minds of other creatures. Once their brief period of dominance on their home planet came to an end, they harbored a deep-seated desire for another opportunity to reclaim power.


On one occasion, the Amphi-Hydrus managed to establish telepathic command over several semi-sentient rancors that had been imported to Dac. By riding these creatures, the Amphi-Hydrus initiated a brief era of upheaval on their native world. However, following the Galactic Empire's subjugation of the planet around 19 BBY, the species retreated into the swamps of Dac, where they bided their time, awaiting a chance to rise to power once more.

Behind the scenes

Daren Horley conceived the Amphi-Hydrus through the "Design An Alien" contest featured in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine. This competition, which began with the third issue in April 1995, invited readers to invent entirely new alien species inspired by the Star Wars original trilogy films. At the time of submission, Harley was twenty-nine years old. Their entry on the Amphi-Hydrus was subsequently published in the seventh issue in April 1996, within the "honorable mentions" section of the "16 and up" category. Leland Chee, an employee of Lucasfilm responsible for maintaining the Holocron continuity database, later confirmed that materials published from the "Design An Alien" competition were considered canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity.


Notes and references
